Personal development:
Art and design key stage 3




Art and design, personal development and Every Child Matters

Enjoy and achieve

The subject's contribution to pupils' enjoyment stems from the opportunities it gives them to participate in creative and intelligent making, where they learn to think and act as artists, designers and craftspeople and work in active learning environments. Pupils appreciate the opportunities art, craft and design gives them to express themselves in new and original ways. It allows them to explore their identity and place in the world, have their assumptions challenged and challenge the assumptions of others.

Be healthy, stay safe

Pupils learn to be safe and healthy not only through developing safe practices in the working environment, but also through the exploration of ideas and issues. Creative work in art, craft and design can be an important way for pupils to explore personal concerns and emotions and develop frameworks for values and beliefs. These skills have an important role to play in ensuring pupils' mental health and sense of well-being.

Achieve economic well-being

Art, craft and design contributes to pupils' economic well-being by developing the transferable skills of communicating and becoming creative problem solvers. Applied art, craft and design approaches reflect the values and roles of the creative industries and, in the longer term, may contribute to careers in a wide range of occupations.

Make a positive contribution

The programme of study provides opportunities for pupils to work in groups, take part in discussions and present their observations. This encourages pupils to collaborate and develop an understanding and respect for others. Exploring art, craft and design across both times and cultures deepens their global understanding and helps them to engage with local and national issues.