Programme of study:
Art and design key stage 3



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Curriculum aims

Learning and undertaking activities in art and design contribute to achievement of the curriculum aims for all young people to become:

The importance of art and design

In art, craft and design, pupils explore visual, tactile and other sensory experiences to communicate ideas and meanings. They work with traditional and new media developing confidence, competence, imagination and creativity. They learn to appreciate and value images and artefacts across times and cultures, and to understand the contexts in which they are made. In art and design, pupils reflect critically on their own and other people's work, judging quality, value and meaning. Pupils learn to think and act as artists, designers and craftspeople, working creatively and intelligently. They develop an appreciation of art, craft and design, and its role in the creative and cultural industries that enriches their lives.

Key concepts

There are a number of key concepts that underpin the study of art and design. Pupils need to understand these concepts in order to deepen and broaden their knowledge, skills and understanding.

Cultural understanding

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Cultural understanding
Pupils could explore the culture of their society, the groups in which they participate and questions of local and national identity.
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This includes work-related contexts which reflect the creative and cultural industries.


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Pupils show creativity when they play with ideas and generate different approaches, responding to purposeful tasks in imaginative and personal ways to produce original images and artefacts. Originality can be defined in terms of their own previous work or in relation to either their peer group or historical contexts.
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Exploring and experimenting
Exploration should be purposeful. Pupils could draw on their exploration to evaluate their successes and failures and propose next steps.
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Taking risks and learning from mistakes
Pupils should be confident risk takers, trying out new ideas and processes without fear of failure.


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This includes competence in skills appropriate to pupils' art, craft and design practice, which need to be applied when investigating, analysing, thinking, designing, making, reflecting and evaluating.
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This is a key element of practical explorations, development of ideas and critical studies. Evidence of analysis may be seen in practical forms, discussions and in visual and written texts.
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This includes designing for different purposes, and includes vocational and work-related practice.
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Evaluation is a continuous process and should include evaluation of initial choice of subject and materials, of work in progress and of outcomes.
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This includes new technologies and materials.

Critical understanding

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Critical understanding
Analysis and critical evaluation are key aspects of the creative process and essential life skills. Pupils need to develop these skills in relation to both the world around them as well as their own and others' creative outputs.
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Developing own views and expressing reasoned judgements
This includes developing an appropriate language to express thoughts and ideas, and evaluate and make judgements based on a set of values either given or created by the pupils themselves.

Key processes

These are the essential skills and processes in art and design that pupils need to learn to make progress.

Explore and create

Pupils should be able to:

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Key processes
The two aspects within the key processes are interrelated, although they may be considered separately for assessment purposes.
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Work from first-hand observation
This could include taking inspiration from the work of others, drawing on personal experiences, drawing on imagination in response to stimuli or using first-hand observation to record images, sounds and ideas in visual and written forms.
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Make purposeful images and artefacts
A clear sense of purpose, whether from an externally set brief or the pupils' own intentions, is key to the quality of the learning experience.
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Draw creatively
This could include drawing to create and invent (eg to visualise, dream and imagine); for perception (eg to observe, investigate, contemplate, remember); to explore ideas and possibilities; to design; for pleasure; or to communicate feelings, experiences and ideas to others (eg visualise, use codes and symbols). Pupils could work with a wide range of tools and materials (eg erasers, pens, string and wire) and learn a range of drawing techniques (eg collage, animation and wash) using different kinds of drawing for different purposes.
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Sketchbooks, journals
These could be used to gather, explore and organise ideas for personal reflection. They could be in a range of forms, perhaps relating to the medium or idea being explored.

Understand and evaluate

Pupils should be able to:

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Research and investigative skills
This should demonstrate the pupils' intelligent use of sources, including using the internet positively to find and extract information, to inform purposeful inquiry, develop analytical skills and make progress with ideas. Pupils should be able to communicate understanding in written, visual and practical forms to a range of audiences.

Range and content

This section outlines the breadth of the subject on which teachers should draw when teaching the key concepts and key processes.

The study of art and design should include:

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This includes craft as a contemporary and traditional form across cultures.
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This refers to areas of art, craft and design such as textiles and jewellery as well as those which are work-related. Examples of work-related practice can include working collaboratively on projects and taking on roles within the design and production stages. This could include working to externally set briefs and within time constraints and using new technologies that reflect those used in professional environments.
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This includes painting, drawing, printmaking, photography, ICT, surface pattern.
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This includes constructed textiles, sculpture, ceramics, jewellery, puppetry, installation.
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New technologies
This could include work with animation, film, video, or web-based products and may present alternatives to traditional practices.
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Study of a range of artefacts
Pupils should consider images alongside a broad range of artefacts from the world of art, craft and design and its functions, as applicable to the setting and learners' needs.

Curriculum opportunities

During the key stage pupils should be offered the following opportunities that are integral to their learning and enhance their engagement with the concepts, processes and content of the subject.

The curriculum should provide opportunities for pupils to:

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Work collaboratively
This includes the sensitivity and skills needed in negotiating, evaluating and sharing in the collaborative process of creating and making. Pupils may use ICT where appropriate.
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Work with contemporary art
This includes visits out of school to studios and workshops, working in locations and visiting artists, craftspeople and designers. E-learning experiences could take place in a range of settings, in and out of schools, and be used to create international links.
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Creative environments
This includes experience working in museums and galleries.
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For example combining visual images with sound and movement to produce an artwork.
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