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KS1 Control and Systems GNVQ
KS2 Graphics Products Intermediate
KS3 Food Technology Advanced
KS4 Resistant Materials Engineering
AS Level Textiles Technology Manufacturing
A2 Level Design and Technology National Curriculum Level
Embedding ICT in DT  

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The NAAIDT Portfolio comprises a database of D&T coursework together with the grade or level attained, where these exist, and a brief commentary on the assessment judgement made. The examples are given in good faith to provide guidance for teachers in this difficult area but they have no authority and do not take precedence over the results of statutory assessment processes. The portfolio can be searched using text in Normal Search or a combination of text and option buttons in Advanced Search. Search results are presented as an image of the coursework outcome together with a text commentary on its assessment. In some cases downloadable files are also available. Contributions from teachers are welcomed and suggestions for inclusion may be submitted to the site moderator by clicking on Add New.