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Balloon Buggy
St. Benedicts Junior School, Ealing, London
Submitted by: Miss Jan Mckenzie - DT Co-Ordinator
ReceptionWhole Class ProjectResistant MaterialsEngineering
KS1Individual ProjectGraphicsCADCAM
KS2Short TaskFoodCatering
KS3Research and InvestigationTextilesFashion
KS4Enterprise activityICTElectronics
Post 16Product AnalysisSystems and ControlStructures
Embedding ICT in DT   

Lesson Context
Following discussion on methods of power,using the materials provided and knowledge of power/structures, design a transporter that will be powered by wind and will travel at least 2metres

Resources Needed
Pupil Individual pack inc:-
50cm ramin
25 cm dowel (to fit card wheel)
10 cm sq. correx
1 x drinking straw, cut in half
4 x small card triangles
4 x card wheels
1 x balloon
3cm sq. sand paper

Teacher Preparation
Examples of possible chassis shaped bases based on letters, A Y, T, H, I, X to inspire
Word cards - chassis, engine, axle etc.
Ownership: Materials for each child in small freezer bag with name label (can be reused)
Pre cut small triangle hole in correx to place neck of balloon
To demo power :- Solar panel connected to motor/wheel
Battery connected to motor/wheel

Project Brief
Using the materials provided, design a transporter that will be powered by wind and will travel at least 2m

Design and Manufacture
- Discuss methods of power, fibre optics, renewable/finite fuels - spider diagram of ideas, interactive info
Why milk floats use battery
Merits of solar power to move car, problems, affects of British weather
Future of vehicle power
- Discuss wind power, advantages/disadvantages. Inflated balloon, question in which direction it will move when released, required knowledge for buggy.
- Discuss the challenge and expectations, requirement of strong stable, balanced structure (with triangle support on joints) for vehicle to move as far as possible.
Demo safe/effective cutting & sanding wood, explain cold water to quench burn
Explain role of chassis, demo dowel with wheels moving within a straw glued to wooden frame
Explain role of balloon as engine
- Give 30 mins to make model
- Race, record distance travelled. Draw and evaluate finished model, self/group assess

Expected Outcomes
Each pupil develops understanding of fuels/power,particularly wind power. Enhance construction skills. Think/act with pace.

All will produce a moving vehicle
All will make the same basic structure that is only restricted in size by given materials/construction time.

Formula 1-Display of balloon buggies

By outcome. Children helped each other and gave each other ideas. Extra assistance given for reiteration of chassis/axle explanation.

Classroom Organisation
Have extra materials available.
Tables with bench hooks, low melt glue guns, saws, scissors, pencils.
Plenty of floor space to lay materials/work.

Project took place over 1hr.10 mins lesson, evaluation in following lesson.

Additional Information
Pupils must be aware of health & safety precautions with risk assessment carried out. Pupils should be familiar with/practice cutting and finishing wood.
Could be developed into making a vehicle for a particluar person, developed into longer project with more opportunity for prior designing/decoration

Winning Design (JPEG image)