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Edible Decorations
D&T Online
Submitted by: Geoff Howard
ReceptionWhole Class ProjectResistant MaterialsEngineering
KS1Individual ProjectGraphicsCADCAM
KS2Short TaskFoodCatering
KS3Research and InvestigationTextilesFashion
KS4Enterprise activityICTElectronics
Post 16Product AnalysisSystems and ControlStructures
Embedding ICT in DT   

Resources Needed
Computer, printer and 2-D design software
Baking parchment and access to baking equipment
Boiled sweets

Project Brief
It is traditional to hang sweets and other treats on a Christmas tree. Design and make a range of edible Christmas tree decorations.

Design and Manufacture
Experiment with various dough mixes to arrive at a consistency which allow it to be rolled out thinly.
Produce suitable designs on computer (e.g. Old English geometric designs or designs derived from stained glass windows)
Print out the designs on to cut sheets of baking parchment (alternatively lay the baking parchment over a paper print-out so the design shows through.
Trace round the design outline using thinly rolled dough.
Crush some coloured boiled sweets and use this to add colour to the spaces.
Bake in an oven at 180 deg.C for 10 to 15 mins until the dough is cooked and the sweets have melted into the spaces created.

Expected Outcomes
A range of colourful and edible Christmas tree decorations


Additional Information
A suitable biscuit dough to start from is made to the following recipe:
100g self-raising flour
50g margarine
25g sugar
This project replicates cloisonne enamelling as used by jewellers and silversmiths. Try researching also clampleve and other forms of enamelling for more ideas

MS Word file of associated pupil help-sheet