Programme of study (non-statutory):
PSHEE - Personal well-being key stage 4



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Curriculum aims

Learning and undertaking activities in personal well-being contribute to achievement of the curriculum aims for all young people to become:

The importance of personal well-being

Personal well-being helps young people to embrace change, feel positive about who they are and enjoy healthy, safe, responsible and fulfilled lives. Through active learning opportunities young people recognise and manage risk, take increasing responsibility for themselves, their choices and behaviours and make a positive contribution to their family, school and communities. As young people learn to recognise, develop and communicate their qualities, skills and attitudes they build knowledge, confidence and self-esteem and make the most of their abilities. As they explore similarities and differences between people and discuss social and moral dilemmas they learn to deal with challenges and accommodate diversity in all its forms. The world is full of complex and sometimes conflicting values. Personal well-being helps young people explore this complexity and reflect on and clarify their own values and attitudes. They identify and articulate feelings and emotions, learn to manage new or difficult situations positively and form and maintain effective relationships with a wide range of people. Personal well-being, therefore, makes a major contribution to the promotion of personal development.

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Personal well-being
This non-statutory programme of study for personal well-being is designed to update and complement the existing non-statutory framework for personal, social and health education. The content of this new programme of study is based on the first four outcomes of Every Child Matters and on the Department for Education and Skills guidance on sex and relationships education. Most aspects of the content are non-statutory; however, sex and relationships education (SRE) is a statutory element of the curriculum at key stages 3 and 4. The presentation and headings of this programme of study follow the format of the programmes of study for other subjects, to support cross-curricular planning.

Personal well-being provision addresses the core theme of personal, social and health education within the National Healthy Schools Programme. This is essential for achieving National Healthy School status. Well-planned personal well-being programmes can help schools fulfil new requirements to promote the well-being of students (Education and Inspections Bill 2006). At key stage 4 young people should make a positive contribution to planning for and developing the well-being of those in their school community.
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Personal development
Personal well-being makes a significant contribution to young people's personal development and character. Evidence of this can contribute to sections 4 and 5 of schools' self-evaluation forms (SEF).

Key concepts

There are a number of key concepts that underpin the study of personal well-being, students need to understand these concepts in order to deepen and broaden their knowledge, skills and understanding.

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Key concepts
These are provided to help learners understand and think critically about issues as they learn in personal well-being. They are not intended to provide an exhaustive list of every concept addressed in personal well-being. The same concepts can be used at all key stages to help common understanding of personal well-being and aid progression.

Personal identities

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Personal identities
Understanding personal identities and the factors that contribute to them is essential to accepting and valuing who we are. It is also an important factor in developing confidence and self-esteem and being able to make the most of attributes and abilities and celebrate achievements. At key stage 4 a positive sense of personal identity contributes to the ability to feel confident about roles and responsibilities and making a positive contribution to society. Students should reflect on how a positive sense of personal identity relates to healthy lifestyles and relationships and consider in more depth its relationship with the concept of diversity. The links with citizenship education become particularly important as young people consider themselves in relation to the citizenship concept of identities and diversity in local, national and global contexts. This concept contributes to the Every Child Matters outcomes enjoy and achieve and make a positive contribution.

Healthy lifestyles

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Healthy lifestyles
Staying healthy is affected by physical, mental, emotional, social, environmental and economic circumstances. The need to make informed decisions about behaviours and consider the short- and long-term consequences of their actions on themselves and others becomes more important at key stage 4 when young people have increasing autonomy and often have more challenging decisions to make about their lifestyles. Links with the concept of risk continue to be important. This concept links with the concept of healthy, active lifestyles in physical education and contributes to the Every Child Matters outcome be healthy.


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Risk is an important part of everyday life. Having the confidence to take risks is essential to enjoying and achieving in learning and life. However, the ability to recognise, assess and manage risk is essential to physical safety and mental and emotional well-being. At key stage 4 students further develop skills of managing risk and exercise positive pressure on others and support them in risky situations. It is increasingly important to make links with work on financial capability, enterprise and career choices addressed in economic well-being. The concept of risk is closely linked with that of healthy lifestyles and contributes to the Every Child Matters outcomes stay safe, make a positive contribution and achieve economic well-being.


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Understanding relationships and the skills associated with forming, maintaining and ending them is fundamental to personal well-being. At key stage 4 students explore this concept in more depth and consider how to exercise responsibility as they deal with the pressures and emotional challenges involved in a range of relationships. The concept of relationships links with all the other concepts and is a constant theme through all of personal well-being. It contributes to all five Every Child Matters outcomes.
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Feelings and emotions
The National Healthy Schools Programme (emotional health and well-being theme) requires that 'the school has clear, planned opportunities for students to understand and explore feelings using appropriate learning and teaching styles'.


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This concept links with both personal identities and relationships. When considering personal attitudes and behaviours towards diversity it is important to identify similarities as well as differences between people. Learning to empathise with others helps people accommodate difference in their lives and accept their responsibility to challenge prejudice and discrimination wherever it is encountered. At key stage 4 students explore in more depth personal assumptions about people different from themselves and consider the power dynamics of prejudice. With other concepts in personal well-being, the concept of diversity contributes to the Every Child Matters outcome make a positive contribution. Links should be made with the concept of identities and diversity in citizenship and learning about diversity in other subjects including religious education.

Key processes

These are the essential skills and processes in personal well-being that students need to learn to make progress.

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Key processes
These all support the development of personal, learning and thinking skills (PLTS) by providing a context for young people to become independent learners, creative thinkers, team workers, self-managers and effective participators.

Critical reflection

Students should be able to:

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Critical reflection
Thinking in depth about increasingly challenging issues, ideas and experiences, questioning assumptions and connecting learning with real life plans, behaviour and experiences. For example, 'how does what I have learnt impact on my values?' 'is the basis for my assumptions valid?', 'how effective are my strategies for achieving my goals?' 'how can I take responsibility for my behaviour and its impact on others?' etc. Critical reflection particularly supports the development of the PLTS areas of independent enquirers, creative thinkers and reflective learners. Links should be made with the key process of critical thinking and enquiry in citizenship. It also supports the development of functional skills (English-speaking and listening).
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Exploring topical and real-life social and moral dilemmas provides the context for exploring complex and conflicting values. Reflecting on how this impacts on personal values and re-evaluating them is important at this stage.
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Strengths and achievements
This links with learning for economic well-being. Care should be taken to avoid repetition and ensure coherence.

Decision making and managing risk

Students should be able to:

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Decision making and managing risk
This involves finding and using accurate information, weighing up the options and identifying risks and consequences of each of them in order to make an informed choice. At key stage 4 students use these skills more independently as they consider choices and challenges in relation to health, personal safety, relationships, leisure and learning opportunities both in and outside the classroom. They reflect on and apply learning to situations in their own lives. Decision making and managing risk particularly support the development of the PLTS areas of independent enquirers, self-managers and effective participators. Finding and evaluating information from a range of sources and communicating it contributes to the functional skills of English and ICT.

Developing relationships and working with others

Students should be able to:

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Developing relationships and working with others
The ability to actively listen, to empathise and understand the consequences of aggressive, passive and assertive behaviour in relationships is important for personal and social development, and to challenging inappropriate behaviour safely. Developing relationships and working with others particularly support the development of the PLTS areas team workers and effective participators. Links should be made with citizenship processes of advocacy and representation.
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Work individually, together and in teams
A willingness to live and work with people different from themselves is important at key stage 4 as students develop a wider range of personal relationships in different contexts. Links should be made with citizenship - taking informed and responsible action - and with the functional skill of English (speaking and listening).
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The National Healthy Schools Programme (emotional health and well-being theme) requires that 'the school has clear, planned opportunities for students to understand and explore feelings using appropriate learning and teaching styles'.

Range and content

This section outlines the breadth of the subject on which teachers should draw when teaching the key concepts and key processes.

The study of personal well-being should include:

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Range and content
When planning to address the range and content of personal well-being strong links should be made with learning for economic well-being. The use of national and local statistics can help planning by informing priorities and learning activities by making issues real to young people in a local area. The relationship with citizenship education should be considered. For example, when planning learning in relation to health issues the personal health aspects are part of personal well-being and the public health and policy aspects contribute to citizenship learning.The social and emotional aspects of learning (SEAL) programme will be made available to schools in September 2007. It provides a framework and some resources to help deliver social and emotional skills within the personal well-being curriculum.
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Body Image
This links with work on bullying.
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Health and lifestyle choices
This includes activities such as sunbathing as well as choices about diet, the use of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs, and sexual activity.
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Sexual activity
This should include the social, emotional and economic impact of unintended pregnancy, issues of sexual exploitation and opportunities to review and build upon earlier learning about contraception, sexually transmitted infections and HIV.
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Substance abuse
This should include benefits and risks of the use of alcohol and medicines as well as tobacco, volatile substances and illegal drugs. Prior learning should be reviewed and then built upon rather than repeated.
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Basic and emergency aid
For example, recovery position and resuscitation techniques. Organisations such as the Red Cross and St John's Ambulance Brigade have information about first aid and dealing with emergency and risky situations.
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This should include a wide range of relationships in discussion including boy/girl, same sex, people of different race, culture, ability, disability, age etc. Address the role and benefits of marriage and civil partnerships in stable relationships and family life building on key stage 3 learning. An awareness of exploitation in relationships includes the use of mental and physical violence and other forms of abuse. These and other issues should be explored with extreme sensitivity using distancing techniques outlined in the opportunities section.
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Organisations that support relationships
This includes those involving divorce and bereavement, forced marriage and violence and abuse in families and relationships.
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The power of prejudice, bullying, discrimination and racism
Make links with the school's anti-bullying policy including homophobic bullying (obtain information from the Anti Bullying Alliance website), compliance with the Race Relations Amendment Act and the requirement for schools to respond to community/social cohesion. Links should be made with work in citizenship, geography and history.

Curriculum opportunities

During the key stage students should be offered the following opportunities that are integral to their learning and enhance their engagement with the concepts, processes and content of the subject.

The curriculum should provide opportunities for students to:

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Curriculum opportunities
Personal well-being provides active and practical opportunities for the development of personal, learning and thinking skills. There may also be opportunities to develop citizenship learning. It is important that the learning outcomes for each subject are clear and that the achievement of each is checked so that the different and distinctive outcomes are not confused. Personal well-being provides an ideal context for the development of functional skills particularly as young people practise speaking and listening about issues that are of direct personal concern to them.
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The internet and other media sources
At key stage 4 students should take the initiative in researching, interpreting and using a wide range of sources of information to inform their decision making. This includes critically evaluating media and other sources and validating information obtained via the internet. They should communicate safety messages relating to internet use. This links with other parts of the curriculum including citizenship, English and ICT and supports the development of the functional skills of English and ICT.
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Visits and visitors
Students should take responsibility for arranging visits and inviting visitors, and checking that the input from external contributors meets the planned learning objectives and is compatible with the school's values and policies.
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Case studies, simulations, scenarios and drama
Can be used as distancing techniques. They allow issues that are very sensitive and that may impact on young people personally to be explored and discussed without reference to young people's lives and family circumstances.
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Social and moral dilemmas
Effective personal well-being teaching requires regular exploration of social and moral dilemmas that may relate to young people as they grow up. Students will need to revisit skills and ground rules to ensure work is carried out showing sensitivity to those who may be affected by such issues.
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Personal development
Personal well-being makes a significant contribution to young people's personal development and character.
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Sources of help
These include local sources, including GPs, community nurses and drug and alcohol services as well as national organisations such as Relate, FPA, Brooke, RoSPA, Childline, 'Ask Frank' and many more. These organisations can also provide information about helpful websites.
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Links between personal well-being and other subjects and areas of the curriculum
There are many ways in which links can be made between work in personal well-being and other subjects and areas of the curriculum. Examples include linking work on sex and relationships, drugs, alcohol and tobacco with work in science and linking diversity and dealing with prejudice and discrimination with work in citizenship, history and RE. It is important that links are planned and coordinated and that young people have time to reflect on the sum of their experiences in order to maximise their learning and its impact on their lives.

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