Programme of study:
PSHEE key stage 3



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Explanatory notes



Personal, social, health and economic education

To support schools in delivering a more coherent curriculum, personal, social and health education (PSHE), work-related learning, careers, enterprise, and financial capability have been brought together under personal, social, health and economic education with two non-statutory programmes of study at key stages 3 and 4: personal well-being and economic well-being. The programmes of study build on the existing frameworks and guidelines in these areas.

Personal well-being supports the statutory requirements for teaching on sexual relationships, drugs and alcohol, as well as other significant aspects of current provision for PSHE. It relates to the first four outcomes of Every Child Matters.

Economic well-being supports the statutory requirements for careers education and work-related learning as well as enterprise and financial capability. It relates to the fifth outcome of Every Child Matters.