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Technology Enhancement Programme
Wisteria Building (W28)
Middlesex University
Trent Park
Snakes Lane
N14 7YZ
Tel: 01992 709745
Fax: 01992 719474

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Audio VisualICT EquipmentResistant Materials
ComponentsMachine ToolsSoftware
Food ResourcesOffice SundriesSystem Kits
Furniture and StoragePlasticsTeaching Materials
General ConsumablesPrimary D&T SuppliesTextiles
Graphics MediaPublishersTools and Equipment

The Technology Enhancement Programme is an established and prestigious programme aimed at supporting and improving the teaching and learning of technology in schools and colleges.
The Programme offers practical down-to-earth support for teaching technology in all parts of the UK and provides:
- Photocopiable textbooks (pre-16 and post-16).
- new ideas for projects to bring together design and technology, science and mathematics.
- TEP special publications - the Young Technologist's Handbook, the Bit-by-Bit Controller, Chip Factory, Smart Card IQ etc.
- access to an established educational/industry partnership network.
- a unique clip-art library of hundreds of illustrations from TEP books.
- professional development opportunities multimedia CD-ROM products.
- a range of inexpensive high technology components and 'smart' materials.
- help and support