Structure of the revised programmes of study




Structure of the revised programmes of study

All the revised programmes of study follow the same structure.

Curriculum aims are given at the start of each programme of study. Teaching and learning in all subjects should help learners achieve these aims.

The importance statement describes the important aspects of the subject, why it is necessary for learners to study the subject and what they can expect to gain from it.

Key concepts are at the heart of each discipline and underpin the study of the subject. They identify what learners need to learn in order to deepen and broaden their knowledge, skills and understanding in the subject.

Key processes are the essential skills and processes that learners need to learn to make progress in the subject.

Range and content outlines the breadth of subject matter from which the areas of study should be drawn.

Curriculum opportunities identifies opportunities that are integral to learning and enhance learners' engagement with the subject.

Explanatory notes are included in each programme of study, signposted by the blue note icon. These explain the scope of the requirements in the programmes of study, clarifying phrases and terms and giving examples. They are included in full in the downloadable versions of the programmes of study.