Personal development:
ICT key stage 4




ICT, personal development and Every Child Matters

Enjoy and achieve

ICT contributes to students' enjoyment by providing powerful tools to support their creativity, initiative and independent thinking. It enables students to explore possibilities, seek innovative alternatives, take risks with their thinking, make new connections and then adapt and modify their ideas. It gives them the tools to convey their ideas in original and creative ways and develop effective communication skills. Students appreciate the opportunities ICT gives them to investigate real events, places and people that are relevant to their lives and to current world events.

Be healthy, stay safe

Students learn to stay safe through understanding risk and developing safe working practices when using ICT. In addition, they learn about the safe and responsible use of ICT, in particular when using email and the internet. ICT can support students developing healthy lifestyles by using technology during exercise to monitor and improve performance.

Achieve economic well-being

ICT plays an important role in contributing to young people's long-term economic well-being by developing individuals who are able to make informed decisions about when and how to use their ICT skills to support their learning and work. ICT capability is fundamental to participation and engagement in modern society and essential in many jobs.

Through ICT students also learn to obtain, develop, present and analyse information. It encourages them to be adaptable and find creative solutions to problems, to plan and prepare, to put their views and ideas across for maximum effect and to engage in effective collaborative working. These transferable ICT skills help equip students for lifelong learning and the world of work.

Make a positive contribution

ICT provides students with the tools to develop an understanding of their place in the world, their values, and their responsibilities to other people and the environment. This can lead students to consider their role in the world and how they can contribute in a positive way to sustainability.