Personal development:
Mathematics key stage 3




Mathematics, personal development and Every Child Matters

Enjoy and achieve

Mathematics is a subject that can be a hobby as well as a tool in a wide range of careers. Enjoyment stems from the creative and investigative aspects of mathematics and from developing different ways of looking at the world and becoming aware of an increasing range of patterns and aspects of mathematical thinking, such as perspective and patterns in numbers.

Mathematics is a subject that empowers pupils to argue using data and graphs. It helps them to understand many of the decision-making models used in building and design and in modern business and industry to make decisions.

Be healthy

Mathematics enables pupils to understand the numerical data related to becoming and staying healthy. Monitoring nutrition intake, blood sugar levels and cardiovascular health are all examples where numeracy assists understanding and can lead to making healthy decisions. By becoming financially capable, young people are able to exert greater control over factors affecting their health such as housing and money management. Arithmetical games and logical puzzles are an important part of maintaining mental health.

Stay safe

Understanding risk through the study of probability is a key aspect of staying safe and making balanced risk decisions. Pupils learn to understand the probability scale and use it as a way of communicating risk factors. They develop an understanding of how data leads to risk estimates. By understanding probability and risk factors young people are able to make informed choices about investments, loans and gambling.

Achieve economic well-being

An understanding of mathematics, and confidence in using a variety of mathematical skills, are both key to young people's ability to play their part in modern society. The skills of reasoning with numbers, interpreting graphs and diagrams and communicating mathematical information are vital in enabling individuals to make sound economic decisions in their daily lives. These skills also play an important part in many employment opportunities.

Make a positive contribution

Having confidence and capability in mathematics allows pupils to develop their ability to contribute to arguments using logic, data and generalisations with increasing precision. This in turn allows pupils to take a greater part in a democratic society. Becoming skilled in mathematical reasoning means pupils learn to apply a range of mathematical tools in familiar and unfamiliar contexts.