New opportunities:
English key stage 3




New opportunities in English

A coherent approach to developing skills

The key concept of 'competence' provides an overview of the skills needed for pupils to be successful and engage with the world beyond the classroom. It entails clarity and accuracy of written and spoken communication, and adaptability to different purposes and contexts. Furthermore, the embedding of level 1 functional skills into the key stage 3 programme of study offers clear routes of progression into level 2 functional skills at key stage 4.

A renewed focus on creativity

The revised programme of study for English recognises the importance of engaging pupils' imagination and commitment by providing opportunities for them to respond creatively in different contexts. Encouraging new ways of thinking and a willingness to experiment and play with language, is fundamental to success in English and the world beyond. 'Creativity' is now one of the four key concepts in English.

A greater emphasis on cultural understanding

The study of English has always been a way of exploring the world around us and our place within it. This is emphasised in the revised programme of study through the key concept of 'cultural understanding'. Through this, pupils gain a sense of the English literary heritage and the variety of linguistic heritages that contribute to the richness of the spoken language. The revised programme of study also encourages engagement with a wide range of texts from different cultures and traditions. Pupils explore the distinctive qualities of these texts and how ideas, experiences and values are portrayed.

A curriculum that encourages critical engagement

The increasing demands of an information-rich society require pupils to develop and use a widening range of techniques for testing the validity of what they read and are told. The revised programme of study includes the key concept of 'critical understanding'. This provides opportunities to focus on a repertoire of critical and analytical skills that will allow pupils to become confident readers who can select and sift information thoughtfully and assess its provenance. This skill is particularly important given the introduction of the internet. The internet has changed the way we read, and this is reflected in the references to multi-modal texts in the revised programme of study, which include web-based texts.

An outward-looking curriculum

The revised programme of study provides opportunities for pupils' experience of English to be more connected to the outside world. One key way of achieving this is through contact with writers, actors, playwrights, journalists and others whose 'business' is words. This can have a lasting impact on pupils' understanding of both the craft and the art of language. Furthermore, the revised programme of study requires that pupils write and speak for contexts and purposes beyond the classroom. This provides valuable opportunities to engage with the local community and allows pupils to see the relevance of tasks in ways that can be extremely motivating.

An increased profile for speaking and listening

Effective verbal communication continues to be a vital skill for personal development, effective citizenship, educational attainment and success in the world of work. The revised programme of study provides an increased profile for speaking and listening at key stage 3 by stating that the curriculum should provide 'specific activities that develop speaking and listening skills as well as those that are integrated with the teaching of reading and writing'.

Case study: Engaging pupils in Shakespeare

Case study: Improving the reading curriculum