Personal development:
Design and technology key stage 3




Design and technology, personal development and Every Child Matters

Enjoy and achieve

Design and technology contributes to pupils' enjoyment through the opportunities it gives them to actively develop products that respond to other people's needs or wants. They are given the confidence to challenge the assumptions of other people as they research ideas and engage with the world beyond school, in order to produce solutions that are relevant and connected to life.

Design and technology develops a sense of achievement in pupils when their product comes together and they are able to create practical solutions, products and systems that improve the quality of life for one person or many.

Be healthy

The study of food develops understanding of the principles of food hygiene and safety, including an awareness of the hygienic procedures to follow when preparing, cooking and storing food. The experience of food technology develops pupils' understanding of the relationship between food, good health, growth and energy balance throughout life. They develop the capacity to make informed choices about food in relation to a healthy diet. They also develop the practical capability to prepare and cook a variety of dishes and meals to achieve a healthy diet. The satisfaction that pupils gain from developing products in all product areas contributes towards their self-esteem and sense of well-being.

Stay safe

When planning, organising and carrying out practical activities, pupils are guided and advised on how to remain safe. They learn how to recognise risk and take responsibility for themselves and others as they develop products. As they choose which hand or machine tools and equipment to use, they are provided with opportunities to think clearly about decisions that will help them use these safely.

Achieve economic well-being

Solving practical problems and making creative links between good design, product solutions and technological knowledge is at the heart of design and technology. The skills that pupils develop in these processes are highly valued by employers.

As pupils research and analyse products, they acquire an understanding of economic and industrial issues, which lays the foundation for becoming economically aware.

Make a positive contribution

Design and technology provides many opportunities for pupils to present their ideas about their own and other people's products and to engage in collaborative problem-solving activities. For example, they work as team members or leaders to analyse existing industrially produced products and solutions and make value judgements about these products.