




What is creativity?

Download: Mapping creativity in the programmes of study

Creativity is about encouraging learners to use their imagination to arrive at novel or original solutions to problems, challenges, questions and tasks. The ideas, thoughts, feelings, actions, solutions and answers generated by the learner as a result of creative behaviour should be original and new to them and the outcome must be worthwhile and valid. Where an act is highly imaginative and original but may harm someone or destroy something, the outcome is neither worthwhile nor valid.

Learners who see connections, have bright ideas, are innovative and able to solve problems are the kind of people employers consistently say they want to employ. Those able to think creatively and critically, solve problems, be innovative and enterprising are more likely to lead richer lives and make a valuable contribution to society. They are also likely to be better prepared for life in a rapidly changing world in which they may have several career changes during their working life.

Developing a curriculum that supports creativity

Learners should have opportunities across the curriculum to:

Opportunities for creative thinking can be provided in many different contexts and can be integral to many activities both within and beyond the classroom. In order to help learners make connections and solve tasks with novel, unique and original ideas it is necessary to:


When planning lessons and work teachers should: