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D&T Online
Submitted by: Geoff Howard
ReceptionWhole Class ProjectResistant MaterialsEngineering
KS1Individual ProjectGraphicsCADCAM
KS2Short TaskFoodCatering
KS3Research and InvestigationTextilesFashion
KS4Enterprise activityICTElectronics
Post 16Product AnalysisSystems and ControlStructures
Embedding ICT in DT   

Lesson Context
An introduction to using 2D drawing software and manipulating text and images in the context of a product relevant to very young pupil entering secondary education.

Resources Needed
Computer with clip-art and 2-D drawing software
Office laminator (alternatives are to use self-adhesive book covering materials or to lightly spray OHP film with aerosol adhesive).

Project Brief
Children arriving at secondary school for the first time need easy access to a school timetable and need to know how to get around the school. Design and make a schools timetable which will be attractive and will fit into a coat pocket without becoming damaged and difficult to read.

Design and Manufacture
Draw out a school timetable free hand and think about how text can be altered and picture added to make it more interesting.
Browse clip-art on a computer and choose pictures to represent each subject
Use 2-D drawing software to create the frame for the timetable, add and manipulate text and clip-art.
Colour print the final design and use an office laminator to encapsulate it.

Expected Outcomes
School timetables

An example of a completed timetable

Additional Information
Could the timetable have a map of the school printed on the reverse and a 'you are here' spot to indicate a form room perhaps? Think of other lists which could be enlivened in this way such as birthday or fixture lists.

MS Word file of pupil hand-out