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13 Amp Plug Tag
D&T Online
Submitted by: Geoff Howard
ReceptionWhole Class ProjectResistant MaterialsEngineering
KS1Individual ProjectGraphicsCADCAM
KS2Short TaskFoodCatering
KS3Research and InvestigationTextilesFashion
KS4Enterprise activityICTElectronics
Post 16Product AnalysisSystems and ControlStructures
Embedding ICT in DT   

Lesson Context
This short task provides an opportunity for pupils to explore a 2D drawing application to create geometric shapes and experiment with font styles.

Resources Needed
Colour printer and computer loaded with 2-D design software
Thin, card, OHP film and aerosol adhesive (or office laminator)
Craft knife, cutting mat and safety rule

Teacher Preparation
A read-only file comprising a full size drawing of the pin positions. Most pupils will find this a helpful starting point around which to create their own designs.

Project Brief
Homes and offices have need of an array of 13Amp plugs to connect a wide range of electrical equipment. Some equipment needs to be left switched on and all equipment should have a correctly rated fuse fitted to the plug top. Design and make a set of tags or labels which will help the management and safe use of domestic electrical equipment.

Design and Manufacture
Survey all the electrical equipment used in your home, find the fuse rating for each and get adult help to see what size fuse is actually fitted.
Design a suitable set of tags or labels using a computer with 2-D design software.
Colour print your final design on to thin card.
Laminate between two layers of OHP film which has been lightly sprayed with aerosol adhesive (if this is not permitted, use an office laminator).

Expected Outcomes
A series of laminated card 'tags' which indicate which appliance each plug is connected to

Completed Plug Tags

Additional Information
Use Ohm's Law to calculate the correct fuse size by dividing the mains voltage (approx. 250V.) into the number of Watts printed on the label of the equipment. In the event of equipment failure, too large a fuse may result in a large electric current than the cable is able to carry. This could in extreme circumstances cause a fire.

MS Word file of pupil hand-out