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Reception | Whole Class Project | Resistant Materials | Engineering |
KS1 | Individual Project | Graphics | CADCAM |
KS2 | Short Task | Food | Catering |
KS3 | Research and Investigation | Textiles | Fashion |
KS4 | Enterprise activity | ICT | Electronics |
Post 16 | Product Analysis | Systems and Control | Structures |
Embedding ICT in DT |
Lesson Context
Design and make a freestanding photoframe
Learning process of DT and construction techniques
Resources Needed
Photoframes to dissassemble/investigate , note findings on worksheet (DATA lesson plans are v. useful)
Construction materials- card, scissors, selotape, glue
Cellulose glue, newspaper, acrylic paint, brushes, pallettes
PVA to strengthen and glaze
Acetate for imitation glass
Teacher Preparation
Collect frames, display in class
Prepare worksheets
Stages of modelling, joining techniques - demo
In making lessons - mix cellulose glue,
Project Brief
Design a free-standing frame which will support a photo and can be easily accessed. It must be designed for a specific person and with a theme
Design and Manufacture
1. discuss brief, verbalise ideas as group.
2. visual thinking- spider diagram of ideas, group/individual response
3. investigate existing products, noting findings and differences in structure/materials/sizes
4. make paper models to explore dissassembly
5. research images to assist design
6. final design from front, back, side - annotated drawing
7. make maquette of design
8. construct from corrugated card, papier mache, paint, varnish
9. self assessment
Expected Outcomes
All make frame of varying standards working from their designs and planning stages of model making. Assess against criteria
Classroom Organisation
All working at different stage of project at same time - some need library for research/photocopier, others need classroom
Practical making, papier mache, construction, painting -organise tables for each activity
Additional Information
DATA lesson plans to support QCA schemes - v.useful
thorough planning helped making
All pupils - Yr.3 really pleased with results - we made a display in hall
Some photocopied precious photographs to different sizes
Work in Progress- papier mache stage (JPEG image)