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Trefonen C.E School. Shropshire
Submitted by: Laura Prust
ReceptionWhole Class ProjectResistant MaterialsEngineering
KS1Individual ProjectGraphicsCADCAM
KS2Short TaskFoodCatering
KS3Research and InvestigationTextilesFashion
KS4Enterprise activityICTElectronics
Post 16Product AnalysisSystems and ControlStructures
Embedding ICT in DT   

Lesson Context
This KS2 example was based on unit 6D from the DFES/QCA scheme of work for D&T. The project was carried out on blocked afternoons over 3 weeks, with 28 mixed ability Year 6 pupils.

Resources Needed
Examples of toy vehicles, including remote control ones.
All resources are noted on the QCA scheme. Although all children used gears as the Year 3/4 pupils used pulleys.
They also used glue guns, which is not on the list.

Teacher Preparation
Have a go at making a vehicle using gears. You will come across the same problems that the pupils will have and you will be prepared to help solve their problems.
Pupils are supposed to draw “exploded diagrams”. I feel this is a very difficult task and so I spent a couple of sessions showing and discussing exploded diagrams. Pupils attempted to draw such a diagram of their school bag. Some found it far too challenging; others surprised me with their ability so it is worth trying with your pupils. Use the internet to find examples of exploded diagrams.

Project Brief
To design and make a geared vehicle.

Design and Manufacture
See the QCA unit.
However, if you plan it correctly the FPTs can be covered in science.

Expected Outcomes
Each pupil is expected to produce a good quality geared vehicle.

Michael's car

Differentiation was mainly by outcome of the design, product and written work. I was also fortunate to have a classroom assistant to work with me on this project so pupils had help when required.
Other members of the class also gave help to pupils, which was wonderful to watch.

Classroom Organisation
The project took place over whole afternoons for three weeks.
Pupils were aware of time constraints as they designed and made their products. Workstations were set up around the classroom e.g. cutting and sawing, gluing, painting.

Additional Information
At the beginning of the project many pupils were not confident that they could make a geared vehicle but after evaluating existing products, including mine, but throughout the project their confidence grew. At the end of the project they were so proud of their vehicles.
We are now working on Robo lab from lego and next time I will attempt to link it to the vehicles so that the pupils can control their own vehicles rather than ones form Lego.

More pictures (MS Word file)